At Tue, 26 Jul 2022 12:41:07 +0000, "James Pang (chaolpan)" <chaolpan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in > How to make it fast ? These are our steps about copy large data from Oracle to Postgres > > 1. Create table in Postgres 2. Extract data from Oracle to CSV 3. Alter table set xxx unlogged, 4. Run copy command into Postgres db 5. Alter table set xxx logged 6. Create index … > Step 5 took long time ,especially for large tables. As others pointed, the step5 inevitably requires WAL emittion. On the other hand, there is a proposed patch [1]. It lets ALTER TABLE SET LOGGED/UNLOGGED evade duping the whole target table and could reduce the amount of WAL to be emitted (caused by the difference of tuple-based WAL and per-page WAL) (in major cases). Could you try it and see if it works for you in any extent? regards. [1] -- Kyotaro Horiguchi NTT Open Source Software Center