1. Have you tried creating indexes on columns for which it is showing sequential scans?
2. In my experience if the view is referring some other view inside it, it is advisable to directly query on tables instead on child view.
3. This table 'so_vendor_address_base' definitely needs indexing to remove sequentials scans.
On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 3:35 PM Kumar, Mukesh <MKumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Team and All ,
Greeting for the day.
We have recently migrated from Oracle to PostgreSQL on version 11.4 on azure postgres PaaS instance.
There is 1 query which is taking approx. 10 secs in Oracle and when we ran the same query it is taking approx. 1 min
Can anyone suggest to improve the query as from application end 1 min time is not accepted by client.
Please find the query and explain analyze report from below link
Thanks and Regards,
Mukesh Kumar