aditya desai schrieb am 24.11.2021 um 07:25: > Thanks Tom. However I could not find any solution to achieve the given requirement. I have to take all values in the temp table and assign it to an array variable to pass it to the audit procedure as shown below. Can you please advise ? > > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION call_insert_info( > > ) RETURNS void AS $$ > DECLARE > v_message r_log_message[]; > OLDVALUE1 varchar(4000); > BEGIN > drop table if exists changedinfo > create temp table changedinfo(colName varchar(100), oldValue varchar(4000), newValue varchar(4000)); > insert into changed infot select 'empName', OLD.empName, NEW.empName from employee; > insert into changed infot select 'location', OLD.location, NEW.location from employee; > > > v_message:= array(select '(' || columname || ',' || oldvalue || ',' || newvalue ||')' from changedinfo); > perform insert_info(v_message); > raise notice '%',v_message; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; You don't need a temp table for that. You can create the array directly from the new and old records: v_message := array[concat_ws(',', 'empName', old.empname, new.empname), concat_ws(',', 'location', old.location, new.location)]; Although nowadays I would probably pass such an "structure" as JSON though, not as a comma separated list.