Thanks Tom. However I could not find any solution to achieve the given requirement. I have to take all values in the temp table and assign it to an array variable to pass it to the audit procedure as shown below. Can you please advise ?
) RETURNS void AS $$
v_message r_log_message[];
OLDVALUE1 varchar(4000);
drop table if exists changedinfo
create temp table changedinfo(colName varchar(100), oldValue varchar(4000), newValue varchar(4000));
insert into changed infot select 'empName', OLD.empName, NEW.empName from employee;
insert into changed infot select 'location', OLD.location, NEW.location from employee;
v_message:= array(select '(' || columname || ',' || oldvalue || ',' || newvalue ||')' from changedinfo);
perform insert_info(v_message);
raise notice '%',v_message;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 11:22 AM Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
aditya desai <admad123@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> In a trigger function I am creating a temp table . When an update on a
> table is executed for say 10k rows. I get the below error.
> ERROR: out of shared memory
> HINT:You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction
> CONTEXT: SQL Statement "created temp table changedinfo(colName
> varchar(100), oldValue varchar(4000), newValue varchar(4000)
[ raised eyebrow ... ] If you are concerned about performance,
I'd start by not creating a temp table per row of the outer update.
That's costing probably 100x to 1000x as much as the row update itself.
regards, tom lane