On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 5:02 PM Tim <timfosho@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm currently doing this with a 2.2 TB database.Best way IMO is to (UPDATE pg_index SET indisready = false ... ) for non PK indexes for the largest tables. Then just set it back to indisready = true after its done and run a REINDEX CONCURRENTLY on the indexes that were disabled.Got about a transfer speed of 100GB per 50 minutes with this method with consistent results.
Thanks Tim, that has worked great. I'm trying to automate the whole process but I can't see a way of seeing when the initial pglogical copy is complete short of checking the disk space.
All I've found is:-
select * from pglogical.local_sync_status;
sync_kind | sync_subid | sync_nspname | sync_relname | sync_status | sync_statuslsn
d | 1821676733 | | | d | 0/0
(1 row)
sync_kind | sync_subid | sync_nspname | sync_relname | sync_status | sync_statuslsn
d | 1821676733 | | | d | 0/0
(1 row)
xxx=# select * from pg_stat_replication ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------------------
pid | 3469521
usesysid | 77668435
usename | xxx
application_name | xxxx_snap
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 52594
backend_start | 2021-10-27 12:51:17.618734+00
backend_xmin | 221892481
state | startup
sent_lsn |
write_lsn |
flush_lsn |
replay_lsn |
write_lag |
flush_lag |
replay_lag |
sync_priority | 0
sync_state | async
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------------------
pid | 3469521
usesysid | 77668435
usename | xxx
application_name | xxxx_snap
client_addr |
client_hostname |
client_port | 52594
backend_start | 2021-10-27 12:51:17.618734+00
backend_xmin | 221892481
state | startup
sent_lsn |
write_lsn |
flush_lsn |
replay_lsn |
write_lag |
flush_lag |
replay_lag |
sync_priority | 0
sync_state | async