On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 9:17 AM Sanyo Moura <sanyo.moura@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: >>> I'm running performance tests for my application at version 11.1 and >>> encountered queries with high planning time compared to the same planning, >>> running at versions 10.5 and 11.0. I was able to reproduce this behavior. For my version of the query: On PG10.6 | Result (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=24) | One-Time Filter: false |Time: 408.335 ms On PG11.1 | Result (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=24) | One-Time Filter: false |Time: 37487.364 ms (00:37.487) Perf shows me: 47.83% postmaster postgres [.] bms_overlap 45.30% postmaster postgres [.] add_child_rel_equivalences 1.26% postmaster postgres [.] generate_join_implied_equalities_for_ecs CREATE TABLE producto (pluid int unique); CREATE TABLE almacen (loccd int unique); CREATE TABLE precio(fecha timestamp, pluid int, loccd int, plusalesprice int) PARTITION BY RANGE (fecha); SELECT 'CREATE TABLE public.precio_'||i||' PARTITION OF public.precio (PRIMARY KEY (fecha, pluid, loccd), CONSTRAINT precio_20170301_almacen_fk FOREIGN KEY (loccd) REFERENCES public.almacen (loccd) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT precio_20170301_producto_fk FOREIGN KEY (pluid) REFERENCES public.producto (pluid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION) FOR VALUES FROM ('''||a||''')TO('''||b||''') TABLESPACE pg_default' FROM (SELECT '1990-01-01'::timestamp+(i||'days')::interval a, '1990-01-02'::timestamp+(i||'days')::interval b, i FROM generate_series(1,999) i)x; \gexec \timing explain SELECT l_variacao.fecha, l_variacao.loccd , l_variacao.pant , l_variacao.patual , max_variacao.var_max FROM (SELECT p.fecha, p.loccd, p.plusalesprice patual, da.plusalesprice pant, abs(p.plusalesprice - da.plusalesprice) as var from precio p, (SELECT p.fecha, p.plusalesprice, p.loccd from precio p WHERE p.fecha between '2017-03-01' and '2017-03-02' and p.pluid = 2) da WHERE p.fecha between '2017-03-01' and '2017-03-02' and p.pluid = 2 and p.loccd = da.loccd and p.fecha = da.fecha) l_variacao, (SELECT max(abs(p.plusalesprice - da.plusalesprice)) as var_max from precio p, (SELECT p.fecha, p.plusalesprice, p.loccd from precio p WHERE p.fecha between '2017-03-01' and '2017-03-02' and p.pluid = 2) da WHERE p.fecha between '2017-03-01' and '2017-03-02' and p.pluid = 2 and p.loccd = da.loccd and p.fecha = da.fecha) max_variacao WHERE max_variacao.var_max = l_variacao.var; Since I don't know the original table definitions, I removed two "+1" from the given sql to avoid: "ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone + integer" Justin