On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 06:30:04PM -0200, Sanyo Moura wrote: >>> I'm running performance tests for my application at version 11.1 and >>> encountered >>> queries with high planning time compared to the same planning, running at >>> versions 10.5 and 11.0. > > Below is the script that creates one partition table: Would you send the CREATE TABLE or \d for precio, produto, and almacen ? Are the 2 referenced tables also empty or can you reproduce the problem if they are (like in a separate database) ? Do you still have an instance running 10.5 ? Or did you find the planning time in logs (like autoexplain) ? Are any of your catalog tables bloated or indexes fragmented ? I assume catalog tables and their indices should all be much smaller than shared_buffers. SELECT relpages, relname FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace='pg_catalog'::regnamespace ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 9; Can you compare pg_settings between the servers ? Either from a live server or historic postgresql.conf or from memory if need be. https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Server_Configuration Justin