On 4/19/16 11:01 PM, Tory M Blue wrote:
>> Slon is also starting to not be viable as it takes some indexes over 7
>> hours to complete. So this upgrade path seemed to really be nice.
> If you're standing up a new replica from scratch on the latest version, I'm
> not really sure why that matters?
Not sure why the 7-13 hours causes an issue? Because if I'm upgrading
via slon process, I have to add and drop a node. If I'm dropping my
secondary (slave) I have to move reporting to the master, so now the
master is handing normal inserts and reports. Next item, I'm without
a replica for 13+ hours, that's not good either.
Don't drop and add a node, just do a master switchover. AFAIK that's
nearly instant as long as things are in sync.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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