> thanks
> 2010/10/28 Craig Ringer <
>> On 10/28/2010 02:38 AM, Trenta sis wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a Linux Server (Debian) with Postgres 8.3 and I have problems
>>> with a massive update, about 400000 updates/inserts.
>>> If I execute about 100000 it seems all ok, but when I execute 400000, I
>>> have the same problem with or without a transaction (I need to do with a
>>> transaction) increase memory usage and disk usage.
>>> With a execution of 400.000 inserts/update server begin woring well, but
>>> after 100 seconds of executions increase usage of RAM, and then Swap and
>>> finally all RAM and swap are used and execution can't finish.
>> Do you have lots of triggers on the table? Or foreign key relationships
>> that're DEFERRABLE ?
>> --
>> Craig Ringer