Massive update, memory usage

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There are about 100.000 inserts and 300000 updates. Without transaction it seems that works, but with a transaction no. Witt about only 300.000 updates it seems that can finish correctly, but last 20% is slow because is using swap...

Any tunning to do in this configuration or it is correct?


2010/10/28 Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On 10/28/2010 02:38 AM, Trenta sis wrote:


I have a Linux Server (Debian) with Postgres 8.3 and I have problems
with a massive update, about 400000 updates/inserts.
If I execute about 100000 it seems all ok, but when I execute 400000, I
have the same problem with or without a transaction (I need to do with a
transaction) increase memory usage and disk usage.
With a execution of 400.000 inserts/update server begin woring well, but
after 100 seconds of executions increase usage of RAM, and then Swap and
finally all RAM and swap are used and execution can't finish.

Do you have lots of triggers on the table? Or foreign key relationships that're DEFERRABLE ?

Craig Ringer

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