oracle to psql migration - slow query in postgres

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We are in the process of testing migration of our oracle data warehouse
over to postgres.  A potential showstopper are full table scans on our
members table.  We can't function on postgres effectively unless index
scans are employed.  I'm thinking I don't have something set correctly
in my postgresql.conf file, but I'm not sure what.

This table has approximately 300million rows.

SELECT version();

 PostgreSQL 8.4.2 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42), 64-bit

We have 4 quad-core processors and 32GB of RAM.  The below query uses
the members_sorted_idx_001 index in oracle, but in postgres, the
optimizer chooses a sequential scan.

explain analyze create table tmp_srcmem_emws1
select emailaddress, websiteid
  from members
 where emailok = 1
   and emailbounced = 0;
 Seq Scan on members  (cost=0.00..14137154.64 rows=238177981 width=29)
(actual time=0.052..685834.785 rows=236660930 loops=1)
   Filter: ((emailok = 1::numeric) AND (emailbounced = 0::numeric))
 Total runtime: 850306.220 ms
(3 rows)

show shared_buffers ;
(1 row)

show effective_cache_size ;
(1 row)

show work_mem ;
(1 row)

show enable_seqscan ;
(1 row)

Below are the data definitions for the table/indexes in question:

\d members
                     Table "members"
       Column        |            Type             | Modifiers 
 memberid            | numeric                     | not null
 firstname           | character varying(50)       | 
 lastname            | character varying(50)       | 
 emailaddress        | character varying(50)       | 
 password            | character varying(50)       | 
 address1            | character varying(50)       | 
 address2            | character varying(50)       | 
 city                | character varying(50)       | 
 statecode           | character varying(50)       | 
 zipcode             | character varying(50)       | 
 birthdate           | date                        | 
 emailok             | numeric(2,0)                | 
 gender              | character varying(1)        | 
 addeddate           | timestamp without time zone | 
 emailbounced        | numeric(2,0)                | 
 changedate          | timestamp without time zone | 
 optoutsource        | character varying(100)      | 
 websiteid           | numeric                     | 
 promotionid         | numeric                     | 
 sourceid            | numeric                     | 
 siteid              | character varying(64)       | 
 srcwebsiteid        | numeric                     | 
 homephone           | character varying(20)       | 
 homeareacode        | character varying(10)       | 
 campaignid          | numeric                     | 
 srcmemberid         | numeric                     | 
 optoutdate          | date                        | 
 regcomplete         | numeric(1,0)                | 
 regcompletesourceid | numeric                     | 
 ipaddress           | character varying(25)       | 
 pageid              | numeric                     | 
 streetaddressstatus | numeric(1,0)                | 
 middlename          | character varying(50)       | 
 optinprechecked     | numeric(1,0)                | 
 optinposition       | numeric                     | 
 homephonestatus     | numeric                     | 
 addeddate_id        | numeric                     | 
 changedate_id       | numeric                     | 
 rpmindex            | numeric                     | 
 optmode             | numeric(1,0)                | 
 countryid           | numeric                     | 
 confirmoptin        | numeric(2,0)                | 
 bouncedate          | date                        | 
 memberageid         | numeric                     | 
 sourceid2           | numeric                     | 
 remoteuserid        | character varying(50)       | 
 goal                | numeric(1,0)                | 
 flowdepth           | numeric                     | 
 pagetype            | numeric                     | 
 savepassword        | character varying(50)       | 
 customerprofileid   | numeric                     | 
    "email_website_unq" UNIQUE, btree (emailaddress, websiteid),
tablespace "members_idx"
    "member_addeddateid_idx" btree (addeddate_id), tablespace
    "member_changedateid_idx" btree (changedate_id), tablespace
    "members_fdate_idx" btree (to_char_year_month(addeddate)),
tablespace "esave_idx"
    "members_memberid_idx" btree (memberid), tablespace "members_idx"
    "members_mid_emailok_idx" btree (memberid, emailaddress, zipcode,
firstname, emailok), tablespace "members_idx"
    "members_sorted_idx_001" btree (websiteid, emailok, emailbounced,
addeddate, memberid, zipcode, statecode, emailaddress), tablespace
    "members_src_idx" btree (websiteid, emailbounced, sourceid),
tablespace "members_idx"
    "members_wid_idx" btree (websiteid), tablespace "members_idx"

select tablename, indexname, tablespace, indexdef from pg_indexes where
tablename = 'members';
1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_fdate_idx
tablespace | esave_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_fdate_idx ON members USING btree
2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | member_changedateid_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX member_changedateid_idx ON members USING btree
3 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | member_addeddateid_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX member_addeddateid_idx ON members USING btree
4 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_wid_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_wid_idx ON members USING btree
5 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_src_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_src_idx ON members USING btree
(websiteid, emailbounced, sourceid)
6 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_sorted_idx_001
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_sorted_idx_001 ON members USING btree
(websiteid, emailok, emailbounced, addeddate, memberid, zipcode,
statecode, emailaddress)
7 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_mid_emailok_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_mid_emailok_idx ON members USING btree
(memberid, emailaddress, zipcode, firstname, emailok)
8 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | members_memberid_idx
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE INDEX members_memberid_idx ON members USING btree
9 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tablename  | members
indexname  | email_website_unq
tablespace | members_idx
indexdef   | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX email_website_unq ON members USING
btree (emailaddress, websiteid)

This table has also been vacuumed analyzed as well:

select * from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 'members';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
relid            | 3112786
schemaname       | xxxxx
relname          | members
seq_scan         | 298
seq_tup_read     | 42791828896
idx_scan         | 31396925
idx_tup_fetch    | 1083796963
n_tup_ins        | 291308316
n_tup_upd        | 0
n_tup_del        | 4188020
n_tup_hot_upd    | 0
n_live_tup       | 285364632
n_dead_tup       | 109658
last_vacuum      | 2010-10-12 20:26:01.227393-04
last_autovacuum  | 
last_analyze     | 2010-10-12 20:28:01.105656-04
last_autoanalyze | 2010-09-16 20:50:00.712418-04

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