Re: Slow Query

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We need more information than that, like:

What version of PostgreSQL?
What does the hardware look like?
What does the disk and tablespace layout look like?
How are your configuration variables set?

Other than that, are the statistics up to date on the VehicleMake table?

Bob Lunney

--- On Thu, 8/26/10, Ozer, Pam <pozer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Ozer, Pam <pozer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [PERFORM] Slow Query
To: pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 8:03 PM

I am new to Postgres and I am trying to understand the Explain Analyze so I can tune the following query.  I run the same query using mysql and it takes less than 50ms.  I run it on postgres and it takes 10 seconds. I feel like I am missing something very obvious. (VehicleUsed is a big table over 750,000records) and datasetgroupyearmakemodel has 150000 records.


It looks like the cost is highest in the Hash Join  on Postalcode.   Am I reading this correctly.?  I do have indexes on the lower(postalcode) in both tables.  Why wouldn’t be using the index?  Thanks in advance for any help.


Here is my query:


select  distinct VehicleMake.VehicleMake

from VehicleUsed

inner join PostalCodeRegionCountyCity on ( lower ( VehicleUsed.PostalCode ) = lower ( PostalCodeRegionCountyCity.PostalCode ) )




 inner join VehicleMake on ( VehicleUsed.VehicleMakeId = VehicleMake.VehicleMakeId )


( DatasetGroupYearMakeModel.DatasetGroupId = 3 )  and

 ( VehicleUsed.DatasetId <> 113 )

 and ( VehicleUsed.ProductGroupId <> 13 )

 and ( PostalCodeRegionCountyCity.RegionId = 36 )

order by VehicleMake.VehicleMake

 limit 500000


Here is the explain analyze


"Limit  (cost=38292.53..38293.19 rows=261 width=8) (actual time=10675.857..10675.892 rows=42 loops=1)"

"  ->  Sort  (cost=38292.53..38293.19 rows=261 width=8) (actual time=10675.855..10675.868 rows=42 loops=1)"

"        Sort Key: vehiclemake.vehiclemake"

"        Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 18kB"

"        ->  HashAggregate  (cost=38279.45..38282.06 rows=261 width=8) (actual time=10675.710..10675.728 rows=42 loops=1)"

"              ->  Hash Join  (cost=436.31..38270.51 rows=3576 width=8) (actual time=4.471..10658.291 rows=10425 loops=1)"

"                    Hash Cond: (vehicleused.vehiclemakeid = vehiclemake.vehiclemakeid)"

"                    ->  Hash Join  (cost=428.43..38213.47 rows=3576 width=4) (actual time=4.152..10639.742 rows=10425 loops=1)"

"                          Hash Cond: (lower((vehicleused.postalcode)::text) = lower((postalcoderegioncountycity.postalcode)::text))"

"                          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=101.81..37776.78 rows=11887 width=10) (actual time=1.172..9876.586 rows=382528 loops=1)"

"                                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on datasetgroupyearmakemodel  (cost=101.81..948.81 rows=5360 width=6) (actual time=0.988..17.800 rows=5377 loops=1)"

"                                      Recheck Cond: (datasetgroupid = 3)"

"                                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on datasetgroupyearmakemodel_i04  (cost=0.00..100.47 rows=5360 width=0) (actual time=0.830..0.830 rows=5377 loops=1)"

"                                            Index Cond: (datasetgroupid = 3)"

"                                ->  Index Scan using vehicleused_i10 on vehicleused  (cost=0.00..6.85 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.049..1.775 rows=71 loops=5377)"

"                                      Index Cond: ((vehicleused.vehiclemodelid = datasetgroupyearmakemodel.vehiclemodelid) AND (vehicleused.vehiclemakeid = datasetgroupyearmakemodel.vehiclemakeid) AND (vehicleused.vehicleyear = datasetgroupyearmakemodel.vehicleyear))"

"                                      Filter: ((vehicleused.datasetid <> 113) AND (vehicleused.productgroupid <> 13))"

"                          ->  Hash  (cost=308.93..308.93 rows=1416 width=6) (actual time=2.738..2.738 rows=1435 loops=1)"

"                                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on postalcoderegioncountycity  (cost=27.23..308.93 rows=1416 width=6) (actual time=0.222..0.955 rows=1435 loops=1)"

"                                      Recheck Cond: (regionid = 36)"

"                                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on postalcoderegioncountycity_i05  (cost=0.00..26.87 rows=1416 width=0) (actual time=0.202..0.202 rows=1435 loops=1)"

"                                            Index Cond: (regionid = 36)"

"                    ->  Hash  (cost=4.61..4.61 rows=261 width=10) (actual time=0.307..0.307 rows=261 loops=1)"

"                          ->  Seq Scan on vehiclemake  (cost=0.00..4.61 rows=261 width=10) (actual time=0.033..0.154 rows=261 loops=1)"

"Total runtime: 10676.058 ms"


Pam Ozer

Data Architect


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