Re: Queries with conditions using bitand operator

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On 07/13/2010 04:48 AM, Elias Ghanem wrote:
> Hi,
> I have table "ARTICLE" containing a String a field "STATUS" that
> represents a number in binary format (for ex: 10011101).
> My application issues queries with where conditions that uses BITAND
> operator on this field (for ex: select * from article where status & 4 =
> 4).
> Thus i'm facing performance problemes with these select queries: the
> queries are too slow.
> Since i'm using the BITAND operator in my conditions, creating an index
> on the status filed is useless
>  and since the second operator variable (status & 4 = 4; status & 8 = 8;
> status & 16 = 16...) a functional index is also usless (because a
> functional index require the use of a function that accept only table
> column as input parameter: constants are not accepted).
> So is there a way to enhance the performance of these queries?

You haven't given a lot of info to help us help you, but would something
along these lines be useful to you?

drop table if exists testbit;
create table testbit(
 id serial primary key,
 article text,
 status int

insert into testbit (article, status) select 'article ' ||
generate_series::text, generate_series % 256 from

create index idx1 on testbit(article) where status & 1 = 1;
create index idx2 on testbit(article) where status & 2 = 2;
create index idx4 on testbit(article) where status & 4 = 4;
create index idx8 on testbit(article) where status & 8 = 8;
create index idx16 on testbit(article) where status & 16 = 16;
create index idx32 on testbit(article) where status & 512 = 512;

update testbit set status = status + 512 where id in (42, 4242, 424242);
explain analyze select * from testbit where status & 512 = 512;
                          QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using idx32 on testbit  (cost=0.00..4712.62 rows=5000
                width=22) (actual time=0.080..0.085 rows=3 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 0.170 ms



Joe Conway
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