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From: jose fuenmayor <jafn82@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Casting issue!!
To: psql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all I am trying to migrate from postgresql 8.2.x to 8.3.x, i have an issue with casting values when i try to perform the auto cast , it does not work and I get an error, how can i perform auto casting on 8.3 without rewrite my source code, I am using pl/pgsql. I mean i dont want to write value::dataType. I dont want to use explicit type cast. Maybe change something in the config files? to make it work like 8.2 on tha regard(cast values).
thanks a lot!!!
Kind Regards;
Jose Fuenmayor
From: jose fuenmayor <jafn82@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Casting issue!!
To: psql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all I am trying to migrate from postgresql 8.2.x to 8.3.x, i have an issue with casting values when i try to perform the auto cast , it does not work and I get an error, how can i perform auto casting on 8.3 without rewrite my source code, I am using pl/pgsql. I mean i dont want to write value::dataType. I dont want to use explicit type cast. Maybe change something in the config files? to make it work like 8.2 on tha regard(cast values).
thanks a lot!!!
Kind Regards;
Jose Fuenmayor