Re: big database performance

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On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 12:08:39PM +0100, Stephane Bailliez wrote:
> Jared Mauch wrote:
>> 	I do large databases in Pg, like 300GB/day of new data.
> That's impressive.  Would it be possible to have details on your hardware, 
> schema and configuration and type of usage ?
> I'm sure there's something to learn in there for a lot of people (or at 
> least for me)

	The hardware specs are kinda boring since it's not
I/O bound, so you could get the same disk performance out of
some EIDE 7200 rpm disks (which I have done for testing).

	The current setup is a 4xOpteron 8218 (dual core) w/ 16G ram.
I have roughly 12TB usable disk space on the sysem connected via some
SATA <-> FC thing our systems folks got us.  Problem I have is the linear
cpu speed isn't enough and there would be challenges splitting the
workload across multiple cpus.  All my major reporting is done via
pg_dump and I'm pondering what would happen if I just removed Pg
from the equation for the major reporting tasks entirely.  I may see
much better performance without the database [in my way].  I've not
done that as some types of data access would need to be significantly
redone and I don't want to spend the time on that...

	- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
clue++;      |  My statements are only mine.

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