Re: database tuning

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On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, kelvan wrote:

my original question is what are the overheads for postgres but obviously no
one knows or no one knows where a webpage containing this information is -_-

In addition to the documentation links people have already suggested, I'd also suggest,-database-size.html which gives some helpful suggestions on measuring the actual size of data you've got in the database already. It's possible to make a mistake when trying to compute overhead yourself; loading a subset of the data and measuring the size is much less prone to error.

if we were not using a Mac we would have none of the problems we have with connection issues such as php seems to want to take up 20 db connections at a time

I can't imagine why the connection pooling links I suggested before wouldn't work perfectly fine on a Mac. You're correct to first nail down why PHP is connecting more than you expect, but eventually I suspect you'll need to wander toward pooling.

neither I nor the web app developer are Mac savvy hell as far as we have seen no Mac tec is Mac savvy either


we cannot get parts of postgres to run on a Mac either such as pgagent which is necessary for us but we cannot seem to find a daemon that works on a Mac

You might want to give some specifics and ask about this on the pgAdmin mailing list:

OS X support is relatively recent for pgAdmin and I see some other recent fixes for specific issues on that platform.

* Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Baltimore, MD

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