On Aug 29, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Mark Mielke wrote:
mbguy2000-1@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
For best performance, the transaction log should be on a separate
Does the writing of the log benefit from a battery backed
controller as well? If not, what do people think about writing
the transaction log to a flash card or the like?
How popular are the battery backed RAM drives that exist today? I
don't recall seeing them spoken about in this mailing list. The
local geek shop has these devices on sale. Are they still too
For those that don't know what I am talking about - they are PCI
devices that present themselves as a hard drive, but are filled
with commodity RAM instead of a magnetic platter, and a battery
that lasts a few weeks without external power.
It think the general conclusion was "When they come out with an ECC
version, we'll look at them."
There are higher end ones that do have ECC RAM (and backup drives and
stuff) but they're spectacularly more expensive than the cheapo
consumer ones.
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