I didn't see your schema, but couldn't these problems be solved by storing
the article id, owner id, and blog date in a separate table? It seems that
if you don't actually need the content of the blogs, all of those questions
could be answered by querying a very simple table with minimal I/O overhead.
Yes. I was suggesting this as an option but I'm wondering if there
are other solutions.
( oo ) Kari Lavikka - tuner@xxxxxx - (050) 380 3808
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On Tue, 28 Aug 2007, Dan Harris wrote:
Kari Lavikka wrote:
Some background info.. We have a blog table that contains about eight
million blog entries. Average length of an entry is 1200 letters. Because
each 8k page can accommodate only a few entries, every query that involves
several entries causes several random seeks to disk. We are having
problems with queries like:
1) give me a list of months when I have written someting
2) give me id's of entries I have written on month X year X
3) give me the number of blog entries my friends have written since last
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