8.2 Query 10 times slower than 8.1 (view-heavy)

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Dearest dragon hunters and mortal wanna-bes,

I recently upgraded a system from Apache2/mod_perl2 to
Lighttpd/fastcgi. The upgrade went about as rough as can be. While in
the midst of a bad day, I decided to make it worse, and upgrade Pg 8.1
to 8.2. Most people I talk to seem to think 8.1 was a lemon release;
not I. It worked excellent for me for the longest time, and I had no
good reason to upgrade it, other than to just have done so. In the
process, A query that took a matter of 2minutes, started taking hours.
I broke that query up into something more atomic and used it as a

The following material is provided for your assisting-me-pleasure: the
original SQL; the \ds for all pertinent views and tables; the output
of Explain Analyze; and the original query.

The original query both trials was: SELECT * FROM test_view where U_ID = 8;

test_view.sql =   http://rafb.net/p/HhT9g489.html

8.1_explain_analyze =  http://rafb.net/p/uIyY1s44.html
8.2_explain_analzye =  http://rafb.net/p/mxHWi340.html

\d table/views = http://rafb.net/p/EPnyB229.html

Yes, I ran vacuum full after loading both dbs.

Thanks again, ask and I will provide anything else. I'm on freenode,
in #postgresql, and can be found at all times with the nick

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

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