Re: Postgres performance problem

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SO: CentOS release 4.3 (Final) (kernel: 2.6.9-34.0.1.ELsmp)
Postgres: 8.1.3

I had some problems before with autovacuum. So, Each day I crontab execute:

vacuumdb -f -v --analyze
reindex database vacadb

I saw logs (the output of vacuum and reindex) and there is no errors.

If u need more info, I ll be pleased to tell it here ...

Chris Mair escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Note: I have already vacumm full. It does not solve the problem.
>> I have a postgres 8.1 database. In the last days I have half traffic
>> than 4 weeks ago, and resources usage is twice. The resource monitor
>> graphs also shows hight peaks (usually there is not peaks)
>> The performarce is getting poor with the time.
>> Im not able to find the problem, seems there is not slow querys ( I have
>> log_min_duration_statement = 5000 right now, tomorrow I ll decrease it )
>> Server is HP, and seems there is not hardware problems detected.
>> Any ideas to debug it?
> Hi,
> first of all: let us know the exact version of PG and the OS.
> If performance is getting worse, there ususally is some bloat
> envolved. Not vacuuming aggressivly enough, might be the most
> common cause. Do you autovacuum or vacuum manually?
> Tell us more...
> Bye,
> Chris.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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