On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 14:21:43 +0400, Adam Tauno Williams
<adamtaunowilliams@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a postgres 8.0 and ~400mb database with lots of simple selects
using indexes.
I've installed pgpool on the system. I've set num_init_children to 5 and
here is the top output.
One of postmasters is my demon running some insert/update tasks. I see
that they all use cpu heavily, but do not use the shared memory.
shared_buffers is set to 60000, yet they use a minimal part of that. I'd
like to know why won't they use more?
This just looks like the output of top; what is telling you that
PostgreSQL is not using the shared memory? Enable statistics collection
and then look in pg_statio_user_tables.
I have it enabled. How can I tell whether the shared memory is used from
the information in this table?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings