Re: Slow join query

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Tom Tamulewicz wrote:


    SELECT p.party_id, p.first_name, p.last_name, pli.address1,, pli.state FROM customer as p JOIN address as pli ON (
    p.party_id = pli.party_id ) WHERE ( p.void_flag IS NULL OR
    p.void_flag = false )  AND  (first_name like 'B%') AND (last_name
    like 'S%') AND (pli.state like 'M%') AND ( like 'AL%')
ORDER BY last_name, first_name LIMIT 51 QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Limit  (cost=0.00..96.48 rows=1 width=2450) (actual
    time=13459.814..13459.814 rows=0 loops=1)
       ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..96.48 rows=1 width=2450) (actual
    time=13459.804..13459.804 rows=0 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using idx_last_name on customer p (cost=0.00..50.22 rows=1 width=1209) (actual
    time=57.812..13048.524 rows=2474 loops=1)
                   Index Cond: (((last_name)::text >= 'S'::character
    varying) AND ((last_name)::text < 'T'::character varying) AND
    ((first_name)::text >= 'B'::character varying) AND
    ((first_name)::text < 'C'::character varying))
                   Filter: (((void_flag IS NULL) OR (void_flag =
    false)) AND ((first_name)::text ~~ 'B%'::text) AND
    ((last_name)::text ~~ 'S%'::text))
-> Index Scan using address_pkey on address pli (cost=0.00..46.23 rows=1 width=1257) (actual time=0.149..0.149
    rows=0 loops=2474)
                   Index Cond: (("outer".party_id = pli.party_id))
                   Filter: (((state)::text ~~ 'M%'::text) AND
    ((city)::text ~~ 'AL%'::text))
     Total runtime: 13460.292 ms

The problem here is this bit:

-> Index Scan using idx_last_name on customer p (cost=0.00..50.22 rows=1 width=1209) (actual time=57.812..13048.524 rows=2474 loops=1) Index Cond: (((last_name)::text >= 'S'::character varying) AND ((last_name)::text < 'T'::character varying) AND ((first_name)::text >= 'B'::character varying) AND ((first_name)::text < 'C'::character varying)) Filter: (((void_flag IS NULL) OR (void_flag = false)) AND ((first_name)::text ~~ 'B%'::text) AND ((last_name)::text ~~ 'S%'::text))

Note that you're getting back 2474 rows, but the planner expects 1. Not the actual time going from 57 to 13048, it's spending all it's time looking up each tuple in the index, then in the table. Using a seq scan would be much faster.

Have you analyzed this table? If so, you might need to up the stats target on last_name and see if that helps.

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