Vivek Khera writes:
FreeBSD, indeed. The vendor, Partners Data Systems, did a wonderful
This one?
job ensuring that everything integrated well to the point of talking
with various FreeBSD developers, LSI engineers, etc., and sent me a
fully tested system end-to-end with a Sun X4100 M2, LSI 4Gb Fibre
card, and their RAID array, with FreeBSD installed already.
Is there a management program in FreeBSD for the Areca card?
So I understand the setup you are describing..
Machine has Areca controller
Connects to external enclosure
Enclosure has LSI controller
I have separate disks built-in to the system for boot.
How did you get FreeBSD to newfs such a large setup?
newfs -s /dev/raw-disk?
What are the speed/size of the disks?
7K rpm?