Bill Moran wrote:
In response to "Sabin Coanda" <sabin.coanda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Bill,
However, you can get some measure of tracking my running VACUUM VERBOSE
on a regular basis to see how well autovacuum is keeping up. There's
no problem with running manual vacuum and autovacuum together, and you'll
be able to gather _some_ information about how well autovacuum is
keeping up.
Well, I think it is useful just if I am able to synchronize the autovacuum
to run always after I run vacuum verbose. But I don't know how to do that.
Do you ?
No, I don't. Why would you want to do that?
Personally, I'd be more interested in whether autovacuum, running whenever
it wants without me knowing, is keeping the table bloat under control.
analyze verbose.
If this were a concern for me (which it was during initial testing of
our DB) I would run vacuum verbose once a day to watch sizes and what
not. After a while, I'd switch to once a week, then probably settle on
once a month to ensure nothing ever gets out of hand. Put it in a cron
job and have the output mailed.
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