> AND '' IN ('', upper(b.nazwisko)) > AND '' IN ('', upper(b.imie)) > AND '78111104485' IN ('', b.pesel) > AND '' IN ('', upper(trim(b.dowseria))) > AND '' IN ('', b.dowosnr) > AND 0 IN (0, b.typkred) > AND k.datazwrot IS NULL; Hum, interesting. Most of the work Postgres does with IN clauses is on the assumption that the column you're trying to restrict is on the left hand side of the IN clause. 1) I think you'll be much better off expanding these into OR clauses. 2) I assume the left hand sides of the IN clauses are actually parameters? I would recommend using bound parameters mostly for security but also for performance reasons in that case. 3) having upper() and trim() around the columns makes it basically impossible for the planner to use indexes even if it was capable of expanding the IN clauses into OR expressions. Your options are either a) use an expression index, for example CREATE INDEX idx_nazwisko on kredytob (upper(nazwisko)) b) use a case-insensitive locale (which you may already be doing) in which case the upper() is simply unnecessary. c) use the citext data type (or a case insensitive indexable operator but we don't seem to have a case insensitive equals, only LIKE and regexp matches? That seems strange.) 4) You should consider using text or varchar instead of char(). char() has no performance advantages in Postgres and is annoying to work with. Something like this with expression indexes on upper(nazwisko), upper(imie), upper(trim(downseria)) would actually be optimized using indexes: AND (? = '' OR upper(b.nazwisko) = ?) AND (? = '' OR upper(b.imie) = ?) AND (? = '' OR b.pesel = ?) AND (? = '' OR upper(trim(b.downseria)) = ?) AND (? = '' OR b.dowosnr = ?) AND (? = 0 OR b.typkred = ?) AND k.datazwrot IS NULL If this is the only query or a particularly important query you could consider making all those indexes partial with "WHERE datazwrot IS NULL" as well. -- Gregory Stark EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com