That's email from my friend. Any hint? -------- Original Message -------- Subject: bug Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 15:03:00 +0200 From: Michal Postupalski To: Andrzej Zawadzki We've just changed our database from 8.1 to 8.2 and we are grief-stricken about very poor performance with queries using clause: "sth IN (...)". As we can see any query is translate to "sth = ANY ('{....}'::bpchar[]))" and it tooks much more time beacuse it doesn't use index'es. Why ? How can we speed up these queries? I've just read "Performance of IN (...) vs. = ANY array[...]" on pgsql-performance mailing list and I didn't find any solutions. Can anybody tell me what can I do with postgres to force him using indexes? If there isn't any solution I'm afraid that we will have to do downgrade to previous version 8.1. example: SELECT count(*) FROM kredytob b, kredyty k WHERE true AND b.kredytid = AND '' IN ('', upper(b.nazwisko)) AND '' IN ('', upper(b.imie)) AND '78111104485' IN ('', b.pesel) AND '' IN ('', upper(trim(b.dowseria))) AND '' IN ('', b.dowosnr) AND 0 IN (0, b.typkred) AND k.datazwrot IS NULL; regards... Michał Postupalski