In a perhaps fitting compromise, I have decide to go with a hybrid
8*73GB 15k SAS drives hooked up to Adaptec 4800SAS
6*150GB SATA II drives hooked up to mobo (for now)
All wrapped in a 16bay 3U server. My reasoning is that the extra SATA
drives are practically free compared to the rest of the system (since
the mobo has 6 onboard connectors). I plan on putting the pg_xlog &
operating system on the sata drives and the tables/indices on the SAS
drives, although I might not use the sata drives for the xlog if
they dont pan out perf-wise. I plan on getting the battery backed
module for the adaptec (72 hours of charge time).
Thanks to everyone for the valuable input. I hope i can do you all
proud with the setup and postgres.conf optimizations.
On Apr 4, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Carlos Moreno wrote:
Problem is :), you can purchase SATA Enterprise Drives.
Problem???? I would have thought that was a good thing!!! ;-)
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