EXISTS optimization

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I'm posting this to performance in case our workaround may be of benefit to someone with a similar issue.  I'm posting to hackers because I hope we can improve our planner in this area so that a workaround is not necessary.  (It might make sense to reply to one group or the other, depending on reply content.)
We are converting from a commercial database (which shall remain unnamed here, due to license restrictions on publishing benchmarks).  Most queries run faster on PostgreSQL; a small number choose very poor plans and run much longer.  This particular query runs on the commercial product in 6.1s first time, 1.4s cached.  In PostgreSQL it runs in about 144s both first time and cached.  I was able to use an easy but fairly ugly rewrite (getting duplicate rows and eliminating them with DISTINCT) which runs on the commercial product in 9.2s/3.0s and in PostgreSQL in 2.0s/0.7s.
Here are the tables:
          Table "public.TranHeader"
    Column     |       Type       | Modifiers
 tranNo        | "TranNoT"        | not null
 countyNo      | "CountyNoT"      | not null
 acctPd        | "DateT"          | not null
 date          | "DateT"          | not null
 isComplete    | boolean          | not null
 tranId        | "TranIdT"        | not null
 tranType      | "TranTypeT"      | not null
 userId        | "UserIdT"        | not null
 workstationId | "WorkstationIdT" | not null
 time          | "TimeT"          |
    "TranHeader_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("tranNo", "countyNo")
    "TranHeader_TranAcctPeriod" UNIQUE, btree ("acctPd", "tranNo", "countyNo")
    "TranHeader_TranDate" UNIQUE, btree (date, "tranNo", "countyNo")

            Table "public.TranDetail"
     Column      |        Type        | Modifiers
 tranNo          | "TranNoT"          | not null
 tranDetailSeqNo | "TranDetailSeqNoT" | not null
 countyNo        | "CountyNoT"        | not null
 acctCode        | "AcctCodeT"        | not null
 amt             | "MoneyT"           | not null
 assessNo        | "TranIdT"          |
 caseNo          | "CaseNoT"          |
 citnNo          | "CitnNoT"          |
 citnViolDate    | "DateT"            |
 issAgencyNo     | "IssAgencyNoT"     |
 partyNo         | "PartyNoT"         |
 payableNo       | "PayableNoT"       |
 rcvblNo         | "RcvblNoT"         |
    "TranDetail_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "countyNo")
    "TranDetail_TranDetCaseNo" UNIQUE, btree ("caseNo", "tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "countyNo")
    "TranDetail_TranDetPay" UNIQUE, btree ("payableNo", "tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "countyNo")
    "TranDetail_TranDetRcvbl" UNIQUE, btree ("rcvblNo", "tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "countyNo")
    "TranDetail_TranDetAcct" btree ("acctCode", "citnNo", "countyNo")

              Table "public.Adjustment"
     Column      |         Type          | Modifiers
 adjustmentNo    | "TranIdT"             | not null
 countyNo        | "CountyNoT"           | not null
 date            | "DateT"               | not null
 isTranVoided    | boolean               | not null
 reasonCode      | "ReasonCodeT"         | not null
 tranNo          | "TranNoT"             | not null
 adjustsTranId   | "TranIdT"             |
 adjustsTranNo   | "TranNoT"             |
 adjustsTranType | "TranTypeT"           |
 explanation     | character varying(50) |
    "Adjustment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("adjustmentNo", "countyNo")
    "Adjustment_AdjustsTranId" btree ("adjustsTranId", "adjustsTranType", "tranNo", "countyNo")
    "Adjustment_AdjustsTranNo" btree ("adjustsTranNo", "tranNo", "countyNo")
    "Adjustment_Date" btree (date, "countyNo")
Admittedly, the indexes are optimized for our query load under the commercial product, which can use the "covering index" optimization.
explain analyze
SELECT "A"."adjustmentNo", "A"."tranNo", "A"."countyNo", "H"."date", "H"."userId", "H"."time"
  FROM "Adjustment" "A"
  JOIN "TranHeader" "H" ON ("H"."tranId" = "A"."adjustmentNo" AND "H"."countyNo" = "A"."countyNo" AND "H"."tranNo" = "A"."tranNo")
  WHERE "H"."tranType" = 'A'
    AND "A"."date" > DATE '2006-01-01'
    AND "H"."countyNo" = 66
    AND "A"."countyNo" = 66
          SELECT 1 FROM "TranDetail" "D"
            WHERE "D"."tranNo" = "H"."tranNo"
              AND "D"."countyNo" = "H"."countyNo"
              AND "D"."caseNo" LIKE '2006TR%'

 Nested Loop  (cost=182.56..72736.37 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=6398.108..143631.427 rows=2205 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (("H"."tranId")::bpchar = ("A"."adjustmentNo")::bpchar)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on "Adjustment" "A"  (cost=182.56..1535.69 rows=11542 width=22) (actual time=38.098..68.324 rows=12958 loops=1)
         Recheck Cond: (((date)::date > '2006-01-01'::date) AND (("countyNo")::smallint = 66))
         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on "Adjustment_Date"  (cost=0.00..179.67 rows=11542 width=0) (actual time=32.958..32.958 rows=12958 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (((date)::date > '2006-01-01'::date) AND (("countyNo")::smallint = 66))
   ->  Index Scan using "TranHeader_pkey" on "TranHeader" "H"  (cost=0.00..6.15 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=11.073..11.074 rows=0 loops=12958)
         Index Cond: ((("H"."tranNo")::integer = ("A"."tranNo")::integer) AND (("H"."countyNo")::smallint = 66))
         Filter: ((("tranType")::bpchar = 'A'::bpchar) AND (subplan))
           ->  Index Scan using "TranDetail_TranDetCaseNo" on "TranDetail" "D"  (cost=0.00..4.73 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=11.038..11.038 rows=0 loops=12958)
                 Index Cond: ((("caseNo")::bpchar >= '2006TR'::bpchar) AND (("caseNo")::bpchar < '2006TS'::bpchar) AND (("tranNo")::integer = ($0)::integer) AND (("countyNo")::smallint = ($1)::smallint))
                 Filter: (("caseNo")::bpchar ~~ '2006TR%'::text)
 Total runtime: 143633.838 ms
The commercial product scans the index on caseNo in TranDetail to build a work table of unique values, then uses indexed access to the TranHeader and then to Adjustment.  I was able to get approximately the same plan (except the duplicates are eliminated at the end) in PostgreSQL by rewriting to this:
SELECT DISTINCT "A"."adjustmentNo", "A"."tranNo", "A"."countyNo", "H"."date", "H"."userId", "H"."time"
  FROM "Adjustment" "A"
  JOIN "TranHeader" "H" ON ("H"."tranId" = "A"."adjustmentNo" AND "H"."countyNo" = "A"."countyNo" AND "H"."tranNo" = "A"."tranNo")
  JOIN "TranDetail" "D" ON ("D"."tranNo" = "H"."tranNo" AND "D"."countyNo" = "H"."countyNo" AND "D"."caseNo" LIKE '2006TR%')
  WHERE "H"."tranType" = 'A'
    AND "A"."date" > DATE '2006-01-01'
    AND "H"."countyNo" = 66
    AND "A"."countyNo" = 66

 Unique  (cost=130.96..130.98 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=694.591..715.008 rows=2205 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=130.96..130.96 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=694.586..701.808 rows=16989 loops=1)
         Sort Key: "A"."adjustmentNo", "A"."tranNo", "A"."countyNo", "H".date, "H"."userId", "H"."time"
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..130.95 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=0.157..636.779 rows=16989 loops=1)
               Join Filter: (("H"."tranNo")::integer = ("A"."tranNo")::integer)
               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..113.76 rows=4 width=50) (actual time=0.131..452.544 rows=16989 loops=1)
                     ->  Index Scan using "TranDetail_TranDetCaseNo" on "TranDetail" "D"  (cost=0.00..27.57 rows=20 width=6) (actual time=0.049..83.005 rows=46293 loops=1)
                           Index Cond: ((("caseNo")::bpchar >= '2006TR'::bpchar) AND (("caseNo")::bpchar < '2006TS'::bpchar) AND (66 = ("countyNo")::smallint))
                           Filter: (("caseNo")::bpchar ~~ '2006TR%'::text)
                     ->  Index Scan using "TranHeader_pkey" on "TranHeader" "H"  (cost=0.00..4.30 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=0.006..0.007 rows=0 loops=46293)
                           Index Cond: ((("D"."tranNo")::integer = ("H"."tranNo")::integer) AND (("H"."countyNo")::smallint = 66))
                           Filter: (("tranType")::bpchar = 'A'::bpchar)
               ->  Index Scan using "Adjustment_pkey" on "Adjustment" "A"  (cost=0.00..4.28 rows=1 width=22) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 loops=16989)
                     Index Cond: ((("H"."tranId")::bpchar = ("A"."adjustmentNo")::bpchar) AND (("A"."countyNo")::smallint = 66))
                     Filter: ((date)::date > '2006-01-01'::date)
 Total runtime: 715.932 ms
I can't see any reason that PostgreSQL can't catch up to the other product on this optimization issue.  This usage of DISTINCT seems a bit sloppy; I usually try to dissuade the application programmers from accumulating duplicates during the joins and then eliminating them in this way.

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