And here is that latest benchmark we did, using a 8 dual core opteron
Sun Fire x4600. Unfortunately PostgreSQL seems to have some difficulties
scaling over 8 cores, but not as bad as MySQL.
Best regards,
Arjen van der Meijden wrote:
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Interesting -- the MySQL/Linux graph is very similar to the graphs from
the .nl magazine posted last year. I think this suggests that the
"MySQL deficiency" was rather a performance bug in Linux, not in MySQL
itself ...
The latest benchmark we did was both with Solaris and Linux on the same
box, both showed such a drop. So I doubt its "not in MySQL", although it
might be possible to fix the load MySQL's usage pattern poses on a
system, via the OS. And since MySQL 5.0.32 is less bad than 4.1.22 on
that system. We didn't have time to test 5.0.25 again, but .32 scaled
better, so at least some of the scaling issues where actually fixed in
MySQL itself.
Best regards,
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