On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Dave Page wrote:
Magnus Hagander wrote:
Just as a datapoint, we did try to use mnogosearch for the
postgresql.org website+archives search, and it fell over completely.
Indexing took way too long, and we had search times several thousand
times longer than with tsearch2.
That said, I'm sure there are cases when it works fine :-)
There are - in fact before your time the site did use Mnogosearch. We
moved to our own port of ASPSeek when we outgrew Mnogo's capabilities,
and then to your TSearch code when we outgrew ASPSeek.
At risk of pulling this way too far off topic, may I ask how many
documents (mail messages) you were dealing with when things started to
fall apart with mnogo? We're looking at it for a new project that will
hopefully get bigger and bigger. We will be throwing groups of mailing
lists into their own mnogo config/tables... If we should save ourselves
the pain and look at something more homebrew, then we'll start
investigating "Tsearch".
When we outgrow PostgreSQL & Tsearch2, then, well, we'll need to stop
pretending to be Google...
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend