On 10/26/06, Carlo Stonebanks <stonec.register@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is pretty interesting - where can I read more on this? Windows isn't actually hanging, one single command line window is - from its behaviour, it looks like the TCL postgresql package is waiting for pg_exec to come back from the commit (I believe the commit has actually gone through). It could even be that there's something wrong with the TCL package, but from my understanding it is one of the most complete interfaces out there - which is weird, because TCL seems to be the most unpopular language in the community.
when it happens, make sure to query pg_locks and see what is going on there lock issues are not supposed to manifest on a commit, which releases locks, but you never know. There have been reports of insonsistent lock ups on windows (espeically multi-processor) which you might be experiencing. Make sure you have the very latest version of pg 8.1.x. Also consider checking out 8.2 and see if you can reproduce the behavior there...this will require compiling postgresql. merlin