This is pretty interesting - where can I read more on this? Windows isn't actually hanging, one single command line window is - from its behaviour, it looks like the TCL postgresql package is waiting for pg_exec to come back from the commit (I believe the commit has actually gone through). It could even be that there's something wrong with the TCL package, but from my understanding it is one of the most complete interfaces out there - which is weird, because TCL seems to be the most unpopular language in the community. Caro ""Rocco Altier"" <RoccoA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:6E0907A94904D94B99D7F387E08C4F570192F2D0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >I seem to remember Oleg/Teodor recently reporting a problem with Windows > hanging on a multi-processor machine, during a heavy load operation. > > In their case it seemed like a vacuum would allow it to wake up. They > did commit a patch that did not make it into the last minor version for > lack of testing. > > Perhaps you could see if that patch might work for you, which would also > help ease the argument against the patches lack of testing. > > -rocco > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend >