On Thursday 12 October 2006 12:40, Bucky Jordan wrote: > >What is it about hinting that makes it so easily breakable with new > > versions? I >don't have any experience with Oracle, so I'm not sure how > > they screwed logic like >this up. > > I don't have a ton of experience with oracle either, mostly DB2, MSSQL and > PG. So, I thought I'd do some googling, and maybe others might find this > useful info. > > http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/ask/f?p=4950:8:2177642270773127589::NO::F4950_ >P8_DISPLAYID,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:7038986332061 > > Interesting quote: "In Oracle Applications development (11i apps - HR, CRM, > etc) Hints are strictly forbidden. We find the underlying cause and fix > it." and "Hints -- only useful if you are in RBO and you want to make use > of an access path." > > Maybe because I haven't had access to hints before, I've never been tempted > to use them. However, I can't remember having to re-write SQL due to a PG > upgrade either. > When it happens it tends to look something like this: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2006-01/msg00154.php Funny that for all the people who claim that improving the planner should be the primary goal that no one ever took interest in the above case. -- Robert Treat Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL