Re: selecting data from information_schema.columns

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Thanks for you replies.

Regarding, newsysviews, what is the current state, I have had a quick look at the pgFoundry site and the last updates were 9 months ago.

The most efficient way in the short term I can find to improve performance for our application is to create a table from information_schema.columns and update it when tables a created or deleted, or columns added or removed. E.g.

=> create table my_information_schema_columns as select * from information_schema.columns; => create index my_information_schema_columns_index on my_information_schema_columns (table_name);

Update table with the following statements:

When tables or columns are added:
=> insert into my_information_schema_columns select * from information_schema.columns
->  except select * from my_information_schema_columns;

When tables are removed, does not work for column changes:
=>  delete from my_information_schema_columns
->  where table_name = (select table_name from my_information_schema_columns
->   except select table_name from information_schema.columns);

For column changes a script will need to be created, the following returns the rows to be deleted. (Any alternative ideas?) => select table_name, column_name, ordinal_position from my_information_schema_columns -> except select table_name, column_name, ordinal_position from information_schema.columns;

My problem now is how to get the update statements to be executed when a table is created or dropped, or columns are added or removed. For our application, this is not very often. My understanding is that triggers cannot be created for system tables, therefore the updates cannot be triggered when pg_tables is modified. Also how to detect column changes is a problem.

Detecting when a table has been added is relatively easy and can be performed by our application, e.g. check my_information_schema_columns, if it does not exist, check information_schema.columns, if exist, run update statements.

A simple method would be to run a cron job to do the updates, but I would like to try to be a bit more intelligent about when the update statements are executed.

Steve Martin

Jim C. Nasby wrote:

On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 11:01:19PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
Steve Martin <smartin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
I am trying to determine if there is a way to improve the performance when selecting data from the information_schema.columns view.
In my experience, there isn't any single one of the information_schema
views whose performance doesn't suck :-(.  Somebody should work on that
sometime.  I haven't looked closely enough to determine where the
bottlenecks are.

Looking at the newsysviews stuff should prove enlightening... AndrewSN spent a lot of time making sure those views are very

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