Gábriel Ákos writes:
you are right. raid5 is definitely not suitable for database activities.
That is not entirely true. :-)
Right now the new server is not ready and the ONLY place I could put the DB
for Bacula was a machine with RAID 5. So far it is holding fine. HOWEVER...
only one bacula job at a time so far and the machine doesn't do anything
else. :-)
it is good for file servers, though.
Even for a DB server, from what I have read and what I have experienced so
far for mostly read DBs RAID5 should be ok. Specially if you have enough
As I add more clients to Bacula and the jobs bump into each other I will
better know how the DB holds up. I am doing each FULL backup at a time so
hopefully by the time I do multiple backups from multiple machines less
records will need to be inserted to the DB and there will be a more balanced
operation between reads and writes. Right now there are lots of inserts
going on.