Mitch Skinner wrote:
I saw that; what I'm suggesting is that that you try creating a 3-column
index on ordered_products using the paid, suspended_sub, and id columns.
In that order, I think, although you could also try the reverse. It may
or may not help, but it's worth a shot--the fact that all of those
columns are used together in the query suggests that you might do better
with a three-column index on those.
With all three columns indexed individually, you're apparently not
getting the bitmap plan that Mark is hoping for. I imagine this has to
do with the lack of multi-column statistics in postgres, though you
could also try raising the statistics target on the columns of interest.
Setting enable_seqscan to off, as others have suggested, is also a
worthwhile experiment, just to see what you get.
Right on. Some of these "coerced" plans may perform much better. If so,
we can look at tweaking your runtime config: e.g.
to see if said plans can be chosen "naturally".