"Jeff Frost" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote > > Did you folks see this article on Slashdot with a fellow requesting input > on what sort of benchmarks to run to get a good Postgresql vs Mysql > dataset? Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for us to get some good > benchmarking done. > "The hardware I have available is as follows: > > * 2x dual Opteron 8G ram, 2x144G 15Krpm SCSI > * 2x dual Opteron 8G ram, 2x72G 15Krpm SCSI > * 1x dual Opteron 16G ram, 2x36G 15Krpm SCSI 16x400G 7200rpm SATA > I see this as a good chance to evaluate and boost PostgreSQL performance in general. My two concerns: (1) How long will David Lang spend on the benchmarking? We need *continous* feedback after each tuning. This is important and Mark Wong has done great job on this. (2) The hardware configuration may not reflect all potentials of PostgreSQL. For example, so far, PostgreSQL does not pay much attention in reducing I/O cost, so a stronger RAID definitely will benefit PostgreSQL performance. > > For my own interests, I would like to at least cover the following bases: > 32 bit vs 64 bit vs 64 bit kernel + 32 bit user-space; data warehouse type > tests (data >> memory); and web prefs test (active data RAM) > Don't forget TPCC (data > memory, with intensive updates). So the benchmarks in my mind include TPCC, TPCH and TPCW. Regards, Qingqing