Did you folks see this article on Slashdot with a fellow requesting input on
what sort of benchmarks to run to get a good Postgresql vs Mysql dataset?
Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for us to get some good benchmarking
done. Here's the article link and top text:
David Lang asks: "With the release of MySQL 5.0, PostgreSQL 8.1, and the flap
over Oracle purchasing InnoDB, the age old question of performance is coming
up again. I've got some boxes that were purchased for a data warehouse project
that isn't going to be installed for a month or two, and could probably
squeeze some time in to do some benchmarks on the machines. However, the
question is: what should be done that's reasonably fair to both MySQL and
PostgreSQL? We all know that careful selection of the benchmark can seriously
skew the results, and I want to avoid that (in fact I would consider it close
to ideal if the results came out that each database won in some tests). I
would also not like to spend time generating the benchmarks only to have the
losing side accuse me of being unfair. So, for both MySQL and PostgreSQL
advocates, what would you like to see in a series of benchmarks?"
"The hardware I have available is as follows:
* 2x dual Opteron 8G ram, 2x144G 15Krpm SCSI
* 2x dual Opteron 8G ram, 2x72G 15Krpm SCSI
* 1x dual Opteron 16G ram, 2x36G 15Krpm SCSI 16x400G 7200rpm SATA
I would prefer to use Debian Sarge as the base install of the systems (with
custom built kernels), but would compile the databases from source rather then
using binary packages.
For my own interests, I would like to at least cover the following bases: 32
bit vs 64 bit vs 64 bit kernel + 32 bit user-space; data warehouse type tests
(data >> memory); and web prefs test (active data RAM)
What specific benchmarks should be run, and what other things should be
tested? Where should I go for assistance on tuning each database, evaluating
the benchmark results, and re-tuning them?"
Jeff Frost, Owner
Frost Consulting, LLC http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954