Not even queries with CTEs will be found this way. They start with "with".
A space at the beginning will also miss it.
A space at the beginning will also miss it.
Am 11. Juli 2024 18:03:22 MESZ schrieb Ron Johnson <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx>:
This query works, and works quite well, but fails if the query starts with a comment.So far, I've accepted that "false negative" error, because being too aggressive at finding the word SELECT in a query is a worse problem. (For example, the string "select" might be in a column name that's part of a long-running COPY or ALTER.)But I've always hoped for something better. Thus: is there any way in SQL to parse pg_stat_activity.query for the purpose of excluding comments?PG versions 9.6.24 (yes, it's EOL), 14.12, 15.7 and 16.3, if it makes a difference.SELECT datname,
to_char(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now()-query_start), '99,999.99') as elapsed_secs,
WHERE datname not in ('postgres', 'template0', 'template1')
AND state != 'idle'
AND client_hostname !~ 'db[1-8]'
AND EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - query_start) > 1800
AND SUBSTRING(upper(query) from 1 for 6) = 'SELECT';