We are facing error while restoring..So, I used dumpall to dump only schema and restored schema first . Then dumping data.
On Sat, 9 Dec 2023, 01:30 Ron Johnson, <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In --format=d mode,--file= is the directory where the data files are stored, not regular file.This works for me:pg_dump -j${Threads} -Z${ZLvl} -v -C -Fd --file=${BackupDir}/$DB $DB 2> ${DB}_pgdump.log(Also, why are you just dumping the data, if you need to migrate the whole database?On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 2:05 PM Rajesh Kumar <rajeshkumar.dba09@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Pg_dump -a -v -j2 -Z0 -Fd -d dbname -f dumpfilenameOn Fri, 8 Dec, 2023, 5:04 PM Ron Johnson, <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 4:44 AM Rajesh Kumar <rajeshkumar.dba09@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:HiWe are using openshift environment and postgres version 15.2. We want to change storage from ceph to local storage. So, Storage team made default storage as local. Now, I created a new cluster with same postgres version and I am planning to take backup from old cluster to new cluster. Size is 100gb. Ram 24gb, cpu 2.My question is, is there a combination of pg_dump and pg_restore that takes less time to complete the task?Last time it took more than 8hours. We were taking schema only dump using dumpall . Then data only backup using pg_dump in directory format.8 hours is really slow for just 100GB of database. What exact command are you using?Paul Smith is right, though: Just shut down the instance, copy the files, and start up the instance with new "-D" location.(Will need to edit postgresql.conf if it defines file locations.)