Hi, I have this issue and now I’m just wasting time. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? I’d like to subtract a column timestamp hour from current hour to give me hours elapased. How do I do this easily? I think I’ve tried every combination of types and casting. Thanks in advance. --------------------------- 1. ALTER TABLE matt add column matt_time timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp;
2. select matt_time FROM matt; 2023-06-22 14:31:16.548622-04 timestamp with time zone 3. Select (date_part('hour', current_timestamp)::INT - date_part('hour', matt_time)::INT) FROM matt 0 (same hour, so 0 is OK) INT 4. ALTER TABLE auto_auth.matt ADD column matt_hour INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (date_part('hour', current_timestamp)::INT - date_part('hour', matt_time)::INT) stored
ERROR: generation _expression_ is not immutable SQL state: 42P17 |