On Sun, 2023-03-12 at 13:34 -0700, Joseph Hammerman wrote: > What I am imagining is per table tuning that buckets the tables based on their relative sizes. > > Something like: > > Up to 1Gb - Small > Up to 4Gb - Medium > Up to 8Gb - L > Bigger - XL > > And an accordant autovacuum_scale_factor associated with each size. > > The motivation for this is to make sure large tables get regularly vacuumed. I understand. There is no such option currently. Perhaps you can use "autovacuum_vacuum_threshold" for something like that: if you set it to a certain (high) value and set "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor" to 0, autovacuum is triggered based on the absolute number of dead tuples. But I would say that the standard configuration makes sense in this case: normally, large tables don't need to be vacuumed that often, and vacuum on large tables is nore expensive too. Yours, Laurenz Albe