Hi all,
Something like:
Apologies for any confusion I may have caused. What I am imagining is per table tuning that buckets the tables based on their relative sizes.
Something like:
Up to 1Gb - Small
Up to 4Gb - Medium
Up to 8Gb - L
Bigger - XL
And an accordant autovacuum_scale_factor associated with each size.
The motivation for this is to make sure large tables get regularly vacuumed.
I hope that clears thing up!
On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 9:56 AM Wolfgang Wilhelm <wolfgang20121964@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think Mr Hammerman is referring to T-shirts for user stories.But even when I'm right I don't get what is meant with that. I don't get what Joe means with "autovacuuming profiles per table". Joe, can you elaborate on that?YoursWolfgangAm Sonntag, 12. März 2023 um 14:47:42 MEZ hat Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxxx> Folgendes geschrieben:On Sat, 2023-03-11 at 10:49 -0800, Joseph Hammerman wrote:
> I would like to define t-shirt sizes and have an autovacuuming profile associated with each t-shirt size.
> Is there any tooling out there that assists in the execution side of this? Or are all of you rolling your own?
Isn't that question 21 days early?
Laurenz Albe