On Feb 28, 2023, at 7:22 PM, Edward J. Sabol <edwardjsabol@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: On Feb 28, 2023, at 6:31 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Teju Jakkidi vlogs <teja.jakkidi05@xxxxxxxxx> writes:We have a query as below which uses the levenshtein function to compare
SELECT "name", levenshtein("name",'some string') as p FROM table1
where levenshtein("name",'some string') <= 2 order by p desc;
We have a GIST index built on top of this table as below:
CREATE INDEX gist_idx ON table1 USING GIST("name");
AFAIK, that index is completely useless for this query. I don'treally see a good way to index it either --- "levenshtein distanceless than X" seems like a not very tractable requirement. Canyou formulate your matching rules some other way?
Can you use trigram similarity instead? That has index support...
Also, check out this URL which shows how to use soundex(), which you can create a functional index on, with levenshtein():
At least in that blog's example, soundex() combined with levenshtein() achieved the same query result as using only levenshtein() in one hundredth of the time.
Hope this helps, Ed