On Feb 28, 2023, at 6:31 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Teju Jakkidi vlogs <teja.jakkidi05@xxxxxxxxx> writes:We have a query as below which uses the levenshtein function to compare
SELECT "name", levenshtein("name",'some string') as p FROM table1
where levenshtein("name",'some string') <= 2 order by p desc;
We have a GIST index built on top of this table as below:
CREATE INDEX gist_idx ON table1 USING GIST("name");
AFAIK, that index is completely useless for this query. I don'treally see a good way to index it either --- "levenshtein distanceless than X" seems like a not very tractable requirement. Canyou formulate your matching rules some other way?
Can you use trigram similarity instead? That has index support...
Reference links:
Since they are so similar, I also wonder how difficult it would be to take the pg_trgm module and modify it to work with levenshtein() instead....
Regards, Ed