Thanks for the help. I finally found this in the actual PostgreSQL documentation. Unfortunately, it was erroring out when I tried make install within the uuid-ossp directory. I looked into it for a bit, but I had already done a workaround which was a temporary install of the same software with the uuid-sso configure flags and then copy the library file that was missing from this temporary install to the working one. After that, creating the extension was successful. On our next patch cycle, these will automatically be included. Thanks to everyone for responding. Natalie Reno (she/her/hers) Lead Database Administrator Database Infrastructure Team Research IT Cincinnati Children's Hospital natalie.reno@xxxxxxxxx 513.803.5370 -----Original Message----- From: Edward J. Sabol <edwardjsabol@xxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 4:06 PM To: Reno, Natalie <Natalie.Reno@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Reconfiguring active PostgreSQL instance This email originated from an EXTERNAL sender to CCHMC. Proceed with caution when replying, opening attachments, or clicking links in this message. On Dec 21, 2021, at 10:15 AM, Reno, Natalie <Natalie.Reno@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Should I copy the control file over from the contrib directory? I install from source, too. For the extensions that I install, I go into the extensions directory and type "make", followed by "make test", followed by "make install". "make install" will install the extension where it needs to go, assuming your environment is configured properly (check the output of "pg_config" first). After you've successfully "make install", "create extension" in psql should work. Hope this helps, Ed