RE: Reconfiguring active PostgreSQL instance

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Have you done “at least” the following


cd /u01/app/postgres/product/postgresql/contrib/uuid-ossp


make install



De : Reno, Natalie <Natalie.Reno@xxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé : mardi 21 décembre 2021 14:43
À : pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Reconfiguring active PostgreSQL instance


We provide a PostgreSQL instance that we configure ourselves. An application is now needing the uuid-ossp extension which requires the –with-uuid=ossp flag added to the configuration. When we did the original configuration, we did the entire world which means the libraries are available. Is there any way to add this to the configuration without having to re-run the make and installs? Or is there a way around this like copying the .sql and .lib files to the appropriate directories? Or can the configure statement be run again with just the new flag?


Here is what we run for each install:


     ./configure --prefix=${POSTGRES_DIR} --bindir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/bin --sbindir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/sbin --libexecdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/libexec --sysconfdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/etc --libdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/lib --includedir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/include --datadir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/data --mandir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/man --docdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/doc --htmldir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/doc --dvidir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/doc --pdfdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/doc --psdir=${POSTGRES_DIR}/doc --with-perl  --with-systemd --with-pam


   make world

   make install

   make install-docs

   make install-world


Here is what is in the contrib directory:


expected/  Makefile  sql/  uuid-ossp--1.0--1.1.sql  uuid-ossp--1.1.sql  uuid-ossp.c  uuid-ossp.control  uuid-ossp--unpackaged--1.0.sql


Natalie Reno (she/her/hers)

Lead Database Administrator

Database Infrastructure Team

Research IT

Cincinnati Children's Hospital




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