Thanks Vijay,
Its working now.
Thanks and Regards,
On Thu, Jul 22, 2021, 6:17 PM Vijaykumar Jain <vijaykumarjain.github@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 18:03, Mukesh Rajpurohit <vivasvan1902@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi All,I have one procedure which has 4 input parameter as refcursor and they are as INOUT parameter.Now, I want to call that procedure in begin end; block and want to display those 4 refcursor result in pgadmin. I tried multiple option like unnamed portal, declare a refcursor and use in fetch all from..into...etc. But, no option is showing result.Please help if there is some solution for this, I tried all option available in sites but it did not worked.I am not sure if i understood it correctly. you have a refcursor as param in a procedure where you initialize and return a refcursor.postgres=# create procedure p1 (INOUT r1 refcursor) as $$beginopen r1 for select id from dates;return;end; $$ language plpgsql;CREATE PROCEDURE-- you would need a do block to declare vars as this would be plpgsqlpostgres=# do $$declare r1 refcursor; x record;begincall p1(r1);for i in 1..10 loopfetch next from r1 into x;raise notice '%', x;end loop;end; $$ language plpgsql;NOTICE: (1)NOTICE: (2)NOTICE: (3)NOTICE: (4)NOTICE: (5)NOTICE: (6)NOTICE: (7)NOTICE: (8)NOTICE: (9)NOTICE: (10)DOsomething like this?--Thanks,VijayMumbai, India