Didn't regret but split between RDS and EC2.
Those we kept on EC2 were any of the following reasons:
As someone else mentioned, extensions that were not supported in RDS
Specific tunings/config by admin not possible ( don't know if still
true currently )
3. Wanted the latest version of Postgres
(e.g. security related fixes)
4. Perception that RDS was
slower under our workloads (you want to test your own)
Difficulty to move data back out of RDS into an EC2 (i.e. can't
replicate back if we change our minds - especially if (4) was confirmed)
Suspicion that some features available in an EC2 install would not be
available for a while (months) in RDS - especially if meant that we
would save money by not having to upsize our RDS instance
that we didn't use RDS, we did but we also chose to stay on EC2.