Anyone migrate to RDS and ultimately regret it?
On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 3:56 PM MichaelDBA <MichaelDBA@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A few things things come to mind...
1. Check what extensions you are using locally and see if they are supported in RDS and implement a work-around if possible.
2. Access control in RDS is a bit different considering how AWS implements the superuser. It is really a subset of a superuser, hence, called rds_superuser. The problem with that is that if you have multiple rds_superusers creating objects then be ready to deal with the situation that rds_superusers cannot control objects created by other rds_superusers. You can get around these things awkwardly with REASSIGN and DROP OWNED BY.
3. Make sure you are not using LOs (Large Objects) for blob data. Use bytea. Restrictions and performance hits in RDS for using LOs.
4. You are restricted with respect to certain system tables: pg_shadow, pg_user (no password access) , pg_roles, pg_authid and more. Also, you cannot get cluster info (roles, etc.) since you are not allowed to execute "pg_dumpall -g".
Michael Vitale
Wells Oliver wrote on 5/27/2021 5:49 PM:
Anyone have a handy write-up or useful experience to share in migrating local PG databases to Amazon's RDS?I was thinking of making a failover in RDS and promoting it after replication or something to that effect, but I thought I would see if there's some more canonical approach.
Wells Oliver